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"Kevin Jones is, without a doubt, the first person who made musical theater accessible to me, someone who hasn't had the training or confidence to pursue it. With a professional attitude, rapid fire and time efficient work ethic, he showed us all very easy to understand techniques and tricks to not only sing better, but physically manipulate ourselves to find the confidence to sing better. I have for the first time been able to breathe using my diaphragm after years of being confused by the concept, having heard a dozen different schools of thought on the subject. Overall, Kevin was attentive, personable, and an effervescent singing coach. I am grateful that I got to work with him while sharing some stories and laughs."

-Rebecca Granger, Virginia Commonwealth University



"Kevin Jones was amazing! He's a genius with what he is capable of pulling out in a person. There are sounds in me I didn't know I had or that I could make. But he taught me how to find them in less than 30 minutes. I can only imagine what would happen if I worked with him consistently. He is very passionate and professional. I appreciated that. He makes the lessons fun and he is so giving of his knowledge. It really was an awesome experience."

-Ashley M. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University



"Kevin is absolutely phenomenal! I’m often in South Carolina for work, and Kevin is always my go-to when I have a self tape audition. He understands the craft of acting so well and is able to ensure you deliver your best performance. He’s also my voice coach for musical theatre auditions and the training has been invaluable. I apply many of the tools he teaches to my voice acting on my animated shows and commercials which has allowed me to have a thriving voiceover career. I highly, highly recommend him."

-Adetokumboh M'Cormack



"We were lucky enough to find Kevin Jones Performing Arts almost 4 years ago. Since that time, our daughter has grown tremendously in her ability as an actor, vocally and most importantly, in confidence. Due in large part to his training, she was signed with a top talent agency in the southeast and is currently booking jobs as a professional actor in film and TV. Through Kevin and his guest artists, she has gained experiences here locally in coastal SC that were thought to be available only in NYC or California. His dedication to his students and his professionalism are beyond reproach. He's simply an amazing teacher, friend and invaluable resource for anyone interested in stage and screen.

-Amy Stadler



"Hey Kevin, Yesterday I read back to back with the other girls for Elle but I was the only one not reading for other parts -which made me nervous! This morning I found my name AT THE TOP OF THE LIST NEXT TO THE WORDS, ELLE WOODS!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I am miles away from where I started with you!  I am going to tell everyone I know that it’s all thanks to Kevin Jones!"

-Little Miss Woods, Elle (Mackenzie Comer) 




“I always had an affection for singing, though I never knew what to do with my skill. Kevin patiently taught me, a shy but egocentric A-Type personality teenage girl who couldn’t stop fidgeting, giving me the start of my artistic education and eventually helping me to transform to find more stillness, more confidence, more humility, and how to harness my high need for success into useful energy.

Kevin gave me a well-rounded education in everything relating to musical theater. He demanded excellence, challenging me, but never giving me an impossible goal to reach. Over five years, we worked on breathing techniques, vocal techniques, music theory, sight reading, sight singing, movement, monologues, auditions, dance, musical theater history, and teamwork. Thanks to Kevin, I have never felt underprepared for any audition, and collegiate level music theory and theater history classes were easy, because of what I learned in the studio program. Above everything else, Kevin taught me about personal responsibility. Thanks to him and the expectations associated with the Kevin Jones Performing Arts Studio, I am timely, highly dependable, always prepared, and an excellent team member.

Kevin quickly became a mentor to me, helping me, through song and dance, to work through difficult parts of my high school years. Even if I couldn’t see it at the time, he was always on my side. He expanded my view of the world with trips around to local theaters, to New York City, and Canada for the Stratford Festival. With his coaching, I auditioned and was accepted into the summer residential Virginia Governor’s School for Humanities and Visual and Performing Arts in 2005. For my next level of education, I applied only to two universities, Shenandoah Conservatory and Christopher Newport University. I was accepted into both. Ultimately deciding to purse a liberal arts degree, I chose Christopher Newport University and they chose me out of hundreds of applicants for their Spotlight Scholarship for Music Theater majors. While at CNU, I was praised by my vocal coaches for my level of professionalism, skill, and work ethic which were firmly established by Kevin from the moment I first walked into his studio.

Kevin Jones and the Kevin Jones Performing Arts Studio changed my life for the better. He prepared me for the real world and the world of theater. I have never had another teacher as dedicated as Kevin was to me. Anyone who has the opportunity to learn from him will be better for it. You would be wise to invest time, effort, and funds in the Kevin Jones Performing Arts Studio because, in my experience, Kevin always has the best interests of his students close to his heart.”

-Holly Strickland



“I have known Kevin Jones for twelve years now. He cast me in Oliver! when I was in the fifth grade and I thought that performing was only a fun little hobby – not anything worth pursuing in life… I started taking his camps in Middle School and found that I really did enjoy theatre a lot, but I didn’t believe I was good enough to make anything of it.

Kevin invited me into his brand new Workshop section of the Studio. He sought me out! There were contracts and small group lessons and real training and I was amazed that he thought I could do it. I was so excited; he gave me so much more confidence in my performance before we even started training! My two years in the workshop program taught me so much – each year more to do than the last! I learned how to breathe better, sing on pitch, acting techniques, musical theatre history, music theory, microphone techniques, film and television acting, technical theatre, and most importantly, professionalism. I grew so much as a performer and as a person. I finally decided to audition for the Ensemble and was delighted (to tears) when I was accepted! If I thought I had learned it all in the workshop, I was very wrong. So much more performance technique information awaited me. Working on songs I had always wanted to sing and singing them for a large audience – this was an experience most kids will never know.

Now I work for him as a director at his Summer Performing Arts Camps. I’ve come full circle. I am still learning and growing. I love watching the kids coming through the program and wondering which of them will be called to perform for the rest of their lives.

I cannot emphasize enough how much I learned from this program. When high school was hard, I had my lesson to look forward to. When other friends were fickle, I knew I had a family in my studio friends. Suddenly this “hobby” I always loved but didn’t think I could pursue became the only thing I could see myself doing. I recently graduated with a degree in Theater from Catawba College in NC and am about to head out into the real world of auditions. I’m nervous, of course, but I’m confident that with what I have learned from Kevin and the connections I have made, I will find success and will perform for the rest of my life.”

-Collette Riddle



"KJPAS was my first try at serious theatrical instruction. Though I started for fun, I could have never guessed that I would get bitten by the acting bug at my first camp at 12 years old and continued on with the studio for the next 6 years. I feel very blessed to have been a part of such quality training as I discovered my love for performing. Having graduated with a BFA from Shenandoah University, I am now working as a talent agent in New York City, and  there is nothing I am doing that wasn't covered during my time in the studio. I feel very prepared walking into all of my theatre endeavors because of my background with KJPAS”

-Leah Wedge



“I wouldn't trade my time with KJPAS for anything. Although I learned to love working backstage even more than I loved being onstage, working with Kevin for three years instilled within me a deep passion for live theatre, and the knowledge to communicate that passion to others. The people I worked with during my time in the studio are still people I am proud to call my friends. I am now working as a professional stage manager in theaters around the country.”

-Jamie McWilliams



"I have been a singer all of my life, but it wasn't until I worked with Kevin that I truly learned how to sing. Kevin's direction gave me the confidence and instruction, which both improved my voice and my performance. I was able to sing to my classmates at Cave Spring High School's graduation because Kevin found the perfect song and coached me through it. He inspires joy in his performers for both art and life."

-Lauren Moore



“One of the most valuable lessons I learned from working with Kevin Jones was stage presence and connection with your audience. As a cantor, I am always singing in front of people, leading them in prayer. It's incredibly important to be able to connect with my congregants in order to help them connect. I use the skills that Kevin Jones taught me all the time in my work, and I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to work with him!”

-Amanda Winter



"Kevin helped me to unleash my talent, and prepared me to rise above and beyond the expectations of my high school years. With his help, I entered a high caliber musical theatre program at Shenandoah University, where I found success while working professionally in the summers between school years! 

-Nigel Huckle



“I was thinking back on my days in KJPAS tonight and realized something: if it weren't for the family I had in KJPAS during high school years, I wouldn't be half the person I am today. 

In almost everything I do, something that I learned--some talent that was molded in the studio--is put to the test in real life. From writing stories, to tackling stress, to being an active member of the workforce, my four years in KJPAS helped me to excel in everything I do. I owe everything I have become to those long hours in Kevin's garage-turned-studio being drilled to the bone to be the best I can be.

Kevin was perhaps my greatest ally in high school, and--I'm no longer ashamed to say this--he was my best friend during those four important years of my life.”

-Reed Braden



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